The near object must be in focus

Tom Hogan aborde le problème du plan sur lequel on doit faire le point, sujet que je n’ai pas abordé dans mon cours sur le cadrage.

Rules in photography are there to be broken. The rule violated here is “the near object must be in focus.” For most subjects and compositions, that’s very true. Remember, our brains interpret “detail = near” and “lack of detail = far.” Thus, going against that built-in bias should only be done with careful consideration. Here, I can get away with the very closest areas being out of focus for several reasons. First, I’ve pushed them deep into the shadows. Our eyes are always driven to brightness, not dark, so they don’t linger long on very dark areas. Second, the darker out of focus area forms a frame to the actual subject and that frame is so strong that our eyes catapult out of the hole to the distant subject. Note that frame edge itself is mostly within depth of field, which helps here. Had it been soft our brains might complain more about the focus.

C’est une belle démonstration bien illustrée et un homme qui commence par “Rules in photography are there to be broken” ne peut pas être totalement mauvais :~)
J’ajouterai simplement comme commentaire que si le premier plan n’est pas flou mais très flou, il va au contraire aider à ce que l’oeil se fixe sur l’arrière plan.



A propos de Thierry

Je suis photographe indépendant depuis 1981. Photographe publicitaire et industriel je travaille pour des agences de publicité et des entreprises.

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